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A Year In Flower Farming


I've been enjoying some much needed down time with family and friends over the last few weeks! During this down time I've been doing a lot of reading and I recently re-read Floret's A Year In Flowers (if you enjoy flowers, it's an inspiring book full of beautiful imagery). Erin's book got me thinking about all that goes into a full year of flower farming and I decided to take this week's and next week's emails to walk you through what a typical year in flower farming looks like for me. 

Rather than beginning in January, I'm going to start in August. That's when I sow my hardy annuals that bloom in the spring for my bouquet subscriptions so in my mind, that's when my year truly begins. This week I'll cover August through January and I'll hit the rest next week!

There's much more that goes into my flower schedule that I didn't include, but I've tried to hit the highlights for you so you can get a behind the scenes look at where your flowers come from. Here we go!


My year starts in late August with the sowing of hardy annuals. I soil block so am able to fit about 960 blocks in this setup and an additional 600 seedlings in an overflow setup. I usually plant out anywhere from 1,500 - 2,000 seedlings total, all started indoors with this method.
My year starts in late August with the sowing of hardy annuals. I soil block so am able to fit about 960 blocks in this setup and an additional 600 seedlings in an overflow setup. I usually plant out anywhere from 1,500 - 2,000 seedlings total, all started indoors with this method.


I also direct sow several flower varieites. Some seeds prefer to be started directly in the garden. I wait until late September to sow these seeds and keep them covered with frost cloth to protect them from birds and keep them moist while they germinate. All told I have about 2,500 annuals in my garden.
I also direct sow several flower varieites. Some seeds prefer to be started directly in the garden. I wait until late September to sow these seeds and keep them covered with frost cloth to protect them from birds and keep them moist while they germinate. All told I have about 2,500 annuals in my garden.

Gomphrena and Celosia are two flowers I grow during the late summer specifically to dry and craft with. They are at their peak in September and I harvest bucketful's for drying all month. I bunch according to color and hang in a dark closet to dry for a few weeks before storing.
Gomphrena and Celosia are two flowers I grow during the late summer specifically to dry and craft with. They are at their peak in September and I harvest bucketful's for drying all month. I bunch according to color and hang in a dark closet to dry for a few weeks before storing.

Expansions, projects, repairs, and imporvements are all made to the garden in September. It's too hot in August and I don't have the time in October due to all the planting. Last year I added three new 20' beds.
Expansions, projects, repairs, and imporvements are all made to the garden in September. It's too hot in August and I don't have the time in October due to all the planting. Last year I added three new 20' beds.


Crafting with the flowers I dried all season begins early in the month. These ornaments make great Christmas hostess gifts and stocking stuffers.
Crafting with the flowers I dried all season begins early in the month. These ornaments make great Christmas hostess gifts and stocking stuffers.

I press extra blooms all year and craft things like these cards with them. The painted rocks are courtesy of my kids and not something I include in my dried flower offerings :)
I press extra blooms all year and craft things like these cards with them. The painted rocks are courtesy of my kids and not something I include in my dried flower offerings :)

These are anemones corms. They come to me from Israel and are fully dehydrated upon arrival. I rehydrate them by soaking them for 4 hours and plant them in shallow trays of soil so they can sprout. I also do this with ranunculus corms.
These are anemones corms. They come to me from Israel and are fully dehydrated upon arrival. I rehydrate them by soaking them for 4 hours and plant them in shallow trays of soil so they can sprout. I also do this with ranunculus corms.


The crafting picks up the pace. Last year was my first year offering dried wreaths and I was pretty happy with how they turned out. I do have some tricks up my sleeve to make a few improvements for this year.
The crafting picks up the pace. Last year was my first year offering dried wreaths and I was pretty happy with how they turned out. I do have some tricks up my sleeve to make a few improvements for this year.

All the seedlings I started back in November are planted out into the garden. I add amendments and fertilizers to the soil as I go. I use organic additives. It's a project that takes about a week, fitting it into naptimes and after bedtime.
All the seedlings I started back in November are planted out into the garden. I add amendments and fertilizers to the soil as I go. I use organic additives. It's a project that takes about a week, fitting it into naptimes and after bedtime.

I receive my shipment of amaryllis and paperwhite bulbs. The amaryllis come from Peru and their roots must be rehydrated in warm water overnight to "wake" them up. They are then transferred into pots with soil so they begin to grow. Timing is key as they take about 6 weeks to bloom from this stage. Just in time for Christmas!
I receive my shipment of amaryllis and paperwhite bulbs. The amaryllis come from Peru and their roots must be rehydrated in warm water overnight to "wake" them up. They are then transferred into pots with soil so they begin to grow. Timing is key as they take about 6 weeks to bloom from this stage. Just in time for Christmas!

The paperwhites come from Israel and I start some of them in moist soil to use in bulb gardens. They bloom in about 4 weeks from this stage, so again, timing their "wake up" is important.
The paperwhites come from Israel and I start some of them in moist soil to use in bulb gardens. They bloom in about 4 weeks from this stage, so again, timing their "wake up" is important.

I design the year's Christmas wreath offering. Each year is a little different.
I design the year's Christmas wreath offering. Each year is a little different.

I participate in several craft fairs. I offer live bulb gardens, dried floral goods, pressed flower art, and more.
I participate in several craft fairs. I offer live bulb gardens, dried floral goods, pressed flower art, and more.

My kids help me tuck 700 tulip bulbs into the garden. These come to me from Holland and It's always a fun Fall project for us. These tulips will not rebloom, so when I harvest them in the spring I pull them up bulb and all.
My kids help me tuck 700 tulip bulbs into the garden. These come to me from Holland and It's always a fun Fall project for us. These tulips will not rebloom, so when I harvest them in the spring I pull them up bulb and all.

The anemones and ranunculus are now sprouting and ready to go out in the garden where they will overwinter and give spring blooms.
The anemones and ranunculus are now sprouting and ready to go out in the garden where they will overwinter and give spring blooms.

The planting mad-dash continues with daffodils. These will come back year after year for me.
The planting mad-dash continues with daffodils. These will come back year after year for me.

Covering the flowers at night and uncovering them during the warmer days usually begins in late November. It's my least favorite chore.
Covering the flowers at night and uncovering them during the warmer days usually begins in late November. It's my least favorite chore.

Bouquet Subscriptions go on sale for the following spring and usually sell out within a week!
Bouquet Subscriptions go on sale for the following spring and usually sell out within a week!


The amaryllis begin to bloom and I take a much needed breather after a busy fall.
The amaryllis begin to bloom and I take a much needed breather after a busy fall.

Due to our mild winters, the garden actively grows almost all year round and therefore must be weeded and maintained.
Due to our mild winters, the garden actively grows almost all year round and therefore must be weeded and maintained.


The very first blooms appear. These anemones I planted in November love cool weather and are always my first to bloom.
The very first blooms appear. These anemones I planted in November love cool weather and are always my first to bloom.

This is my planning month! These are the seeds that will be used for the Cut Flower Garden Kits.
This is my planning month! These are the seeds that will be used for the Cut Flower Garden Kits.

Disease pressure is often high during this time of year. Our wild temperature swings are hard on the plants and I have to check the garden regularly for signs of stress and disease. Clemson University and NC State ag departments helped me diagnose the fungus attacked these Bupleurum plants and come up with a solution to treat.
Disease pressure is often high during this time of year. Our wild temperature swings are hard on the plants and I have to check the garden regularly for signs of stress and disease. Clemson University and NC State ag departments helped me diagnose the fungus attacked these Bupleurum plants and come up with a solution to treat.

It's the end of January and the flowers are really beginning to bloom! It won't be long until the first bouquets can go out.
It's the end of January and the flowers are really beginning to bloom! It won't be long until the first bouquets can go out.

The daffodils are beginning to pop!
The daffodils are beginning to pop!

The days are lengthening and the flowers can sense the change. They're starting to grow more quickly and since they've been awake all winter, they're hungry. I fertilize them with amendments to give them energy for the giant growth spurt they're about to hit.
The days are lengthening and the flowers can sense the change. They're starting to grow more quickly and since they've been awake all winter, they're hungry. I fertilize them with amendments to give them energy for the giant growth spurt they're about to hit.


Due t our warm winter, the tulips started coming up a few weeks earlier than normal. I tried covering them with mulch to hold in the cold and slow their roll, but once they wake up it's like trying to stop a train.
Due t our warm winter, the tulips started coming up a few weeks earlier than normal. I tried covering them with mulch to hold in the cold and slow their roll, but once they wake up it's like trying to stop a train.

The very first bouquet of the year usually goes out in February. This was a special order for a customer.
The very first bouquet of the year usually goes out in February. This was a special order for a customer.

I experimented with starting grasses in leftover tulip bulb crates and it worked! These grasses prefer cool temps but can't take our winter, as after trial and error I've found starting them in February is perfect.
I experimented with starting grasses in leftover tulip bulb crates and it worked! These grasses prefer cool temps but can't take our winter, as after trial and error I've found starting them in February is perfect.

The daffodils begin the bloom. I have almost 500 daffs and they all bloom at slightly different times depending on variety. The latest blooms in April.
The daffodils begin the bloom. I have almost 500 daffs and they all bloom at slightly different times depending on variety. The latest blooms in April.

The tulips begin to bloom and are harvested bulb and all. I store them in a dedicated flower fridge with a wifi enables monitor to help me keep the temperature and humidity conditions just right. All 700 tulips bloom over 1-2 weeks and need to be checked and harvested many times a day. It's quite the commitment but a very vital crop for me. I can store tulips several weeks in the fridge.
The tulips begin to bloom and are harvested bulb and all. I store them in a dedicated flower fridge with a wifi enables monitor to help me keep the temperature and humidity conditions just right. All 700 tulips bloom over 1-2 weeks and need to be checked and harvested many times a day. It's quite the commitment but a very vital crop for me. I can store tulips several weeks in the fridge.

The first subscription bouquets go out featuring tulips, anemones, and orlaya. Subscriptions run through June.
The first subscription bouquets go out featuring tulips, anemones, and orlaya. Subscriptions run through June.

The first corsage and boutonniere order heads out the door. This one features Dogwood bracts, hellebores, and anemones. These orders continue steadily through May.
The first corsage and boutonniere order heads out the door. This one features Dogwood bracts, hellebores, and anemones. These orders continue steadily through May.

The flower stand opens for the first time. Due to subscriptions and special orders, I was only able to open the stand twice last season. My goal is to have enough flowers to open it three times next year for drop-in purchasing.
The flower stand opens for the first time. Due to subscriptions and special orders, I was only able to open the stand twice last season. My goal is to have enough flowers to open it three times next year for drop-in purchasing.

The ranunculus begin to bloom in earnest. These are crowd favorites and I'm doubling how many I plant for next spring!
The ranunculus begin to bloom in earnest. These are crowd favorites and I'm doubling how many I plant for next spring!

I closed out the month by planting out the first succession of sunflowers. I started these from seed indoors three weeks prior. I use hoops and row covers to protect them from the spring cold until the days warm up. My goal is to get them to bloom as early in the season as possible.
I closed out the month by planting out the first succession of sunflowers. I started these from seed indoors three weeks prior. I use hoops and row covers to protect them from the spring cold until the days warm up. My goal is to get them to bloom as early in the season as possible.


The snaps begin to bloom, ushering in a flood of annual blooms.
The snaps begin to bloom, ushering in a flood of annual blooms.

Cut Flower Garden seedlings are started. I always start extra and sell them in my annual cut flower seedling sale in May.
Cut Flower Garden seedlings are started. I always start extra and sell them in my annual cut flower seedling sale in May.

Mature seedlings are potted up, waiting to go to their new homes. There are around 700 seedlings so it usually takes me a day or two.
Mature seedlings are potted up, waiting to go to their new homes. There are around 700 seedlings so it usually takes me a day or two.


The grasses are ready for harvesting. I'll dry these and use them in dried floral crafts.
The grasses are ready for harvesting. I'll dry these and use them in dried floral crafts.

Cut Flower Garden kits head out the door. They include 26 specialty cut flower seedlings as well as a Growers Guide that contains everything you need for having success with your cut flowers.
Cut Flower Garden kits head out the door. They include 26 specialty cut flower seedlings as well as a Growers Guide that contains everything you need for having success with your cut flowers.

It rained... and didn't stop raining. It rained so much that blooms were rotting on the stems before they were even ready to cut.
It rained... and didn't stop raining. It rained so much that blooms were rotting on the stems before they were even ready to cut.

Any flowers not sold are dried. These bundles of statice are ready to hang up and dry for a week or so before being stored.
Any flowers not sold are dried. These bundles of statice are ready to hang up and dry for a week or so before being stored.

Nature abhors a vacuum, and this empty bed would quickly be overrun with weeds if not for a cover crop. I try not to let beds sit empty for more than a day or two. These cow peas will grow quickly and soon overshadow the weeds, blocking out the light they need to grow, while feeding the soil microbiome.
Nature abhors a vacuum, and this empty bed would quickly be overrun with weeds if not for a cover crop. I try not to let beds sit empty for more than a day or two. These cow peas will grow quickly and soon overshadow the weeds, blocking out the light they need to grow, while feeding the soil microbiome.

Custom orders roll in and I try to fill them when I can. I love the colors in this one!
Custom orders roll in and I try to fill them when I can. I love the colors in this one!

This bed was hit hard with disease over the winter that lives in the soil. I removed the top layer where the fungus was present, and replaced it with fresh soil. This allowed me to avoid using fungicides to control the spread.
This bed was hit hard with disease over the winter that lives in the soil. I removed the top layer where the fungus was present, and replaced it with fresh soil. This allowed me to avoid using fungicides to control the spread.

I start seeds for planting out as soon as the spring flowers are finished in late June. These seeds will all produce blooms specifically for drying.
I start seeds for planting out as soon as the spring flowers are finished in late June. These seeds will all produce blooms specifically for drying.


Periodically, but especially in the spring, I release predatory insects into my garden. These are praying mantises that will feast on aphids and thrips. They really are so much more effective than harsh chemicals and do a fantastic job of helping me control pests.
Periodically, but especially in the spring, I release predatory insects into my garden. These are praying mantises that will feast on aphids and thrips. They really are so much more effective than harsh chemicals and do a fantastic job of helping me control pests.

The seedlings that will replace the hardy annuals are hardened off (slowly exposed to outdoor conditions so as not to shock them).
The seedlings that will replace the hardy annuals are hardened off (slowly exposed to outdoor conditions so as not to shock them).

The mammoth chore of ripping out the spent hardy annuals that have been in the garden for 6+ months and replacing them with flowers for drying is done in just 2-3 days. It's a time for all hands on deck as even my kids get involved!
The mammoth chore of ripping out the spent hardy annuals that have been in the garden for 6+ months and replacing them with flowers for drying is done in just 2-3 days. It's a time for all hands on deck as even my kids get involved!


This is the summer month when I have the most down time. The plants are on autopilot with some occasional chores like weeding and water to maintain them as they grow.
This is the summer month when I have the most down time. The plants are on autopilot with some occasional chores like weeding and water to maintain them as they grow.

Blooms begin to form but won't be ready to cut until August.
Blooms begin to form but won't be ready to cut until August.

The marigolds are always the first to be ready for cutting and drying. They dry well and are so fun to work with.
The marigolds are always the first to be ready for cutting and drying. They dry well and are so fun to work with.

Thank you for sticking with me through a year in flower farming! It's a true passion of mine and while there are some things I didn't show such as weddings and events, custom orders, office and admin work, and more that are peppered throughout the season, this gives you an idea of what life is like in the flower farming world. 

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