I've been enjoying some much needed down time with family and friends over the last few weeks! During this down time I've been doing a lot of reading and I recently re-read Floret's A Year In Flowers (if you enjoy flowers, it's an inspiring book full of beautiful imagery). Erin's book got me thinking about all that goes into a full year of flower farming and I decided to take this week's and next week's emails to walk you through what a typical year in flower farming looks like for me.
Rather than beginning in January, I'm going to start in August. That's when I sow my hardy annuals that bloom in the spring for my bouquet subscriptions so in my mind, that's when my year truly begins. This week I'll cover August through January and I'll hit the rest next week!
There's much more that goes into my flower schedule that I didn't include, but I've tried to hit the highlights for you so you can get a behind the scenes look at where your flowers come from. Here we go!











Thank you for sticking with me through a year in flower farming! It's a true passion of mine and while there are some things I didn't show such as weddings and events, custom orders, office and admin work, and more that are peppered throughout the season, this gives you an idea of what life is like in the flower farming world.